Founded in 2005, Daniel 13 has blossomed into an eclectic umbrella for Jefferson Holt’s myriad of philanthropic interests. A dedicated art collector, patron, and human catapult, Holt first established the Carrboro, North Carolina-based Daniel 13 as a small press but has since redefined the independent operation as a kind of creative benefaction, providing vital support to emerging artists and photographers, musicians, filmmakers, and writers. 

Holt’s initial foray into publishing set the tone for what would follow. Mutual connections in the art world saw him help finance the 1997 book, The End Is Near, marking the Inaugural Exhibition at Baltimore’s American Visionary Arts Museum. Additional art books followed, including collaborations with Los Angeles’ Process Media and its co-founders, Dilettante Press’ Jodi Wille and Adam Parfrey of Feral House. Among Daniel 13’s releases are works by Andy Gershon (Photourist) and Pamela Pecchio (509). Daniel 13-published collections have received a number of high honors, with several past publications receiving top prizes from the Independent Publishers Book Awards.


From such collaborations on award-winning photo books to executively producing Joe Angio’s cult documentary Revenge of the Mekons in 2013, Daniel 13 has supported emerging artists, musicians, and filmmakers for over a decade. Currently, Daniel 13’s focus lies on amplifying the oeuvre of different creatives from the Southeast and beyond - using an array of different methods to bring their vision to life. Jefferson Holt’s accessibility and enthusiasm is both rare and valuable, especially considering his experience, knowledge, and passion for the arts. Daniel 13’s freewheeling sponsorship is defined by Holt’s fancy as well as his many friends, its singular vision is one of support and creative encouragement.